Things I’ve made, shaping a digital footprint in the universe.

Over the years, I've taken on a variety of projects, but these are the ones I take the most pride in. Many of them are open-source, so if any capture your interest, delve into the code and don't hesitate to contribute if you have ideas for improvements.

  • Kash logo


    Chainlink Spring 2023 Hackathon winner

    Supercharge event payments with Kash, a blockchain-based solution for cashless, speedy transactions and reusable balances, making mass events seamless.

  • Ether Block Explorer logo

    Ether Block Explorer

    This project is an Etherscan clone, using Alchemy SDK and ethers.js to explore Ethereum, showing data on the latest 10 blocks and transactions.

  • Remote Time Tracker logo

    Remote Time Tracker

    This Chrome extension helps you find the correct time zone for your international meetings, so you can focus on what matters most.